1. Lower risk of urinary tract infections:
Urinary Tract Infections (U.T.I.) in boys are uncommon, affecting at most 1-2%. Circumcised boys are about 10 times less likely to get Urinary Tract Infections and serious kidney infections in the first year of life as compared to uncircumcised infants. Fecal contamination of the moist inner layer of the foreskin with bacteria is thought to lead to these Urinary Tract Infections.
These kidney infections are most dangerous in the first 3 months of life, during which time they often lead to hospitalization and can result in serious blood infection (Septicemia). Kidney scarring may occur later on in life. There is concern that future kidney failure and high blood pressure may follow infantile Urinary Tract Infections.
2. Reduction in incidence of HIV and Sexually Transmissible Diseases (STDs):
Over 40 separate studies have shown that uncircumcised men are more likely to become infected with HIV and sexually transmitted diseases on sexual exposure. The ease with which the foreskin tears during intercourse, leaving mini-abrasions through which viruses and bacteria enter the foreskin could lead to the infections. There is some evidence, particularly from Sub-Saharan Africa, that male circumcision reduces the risk of acquiring HIV. Evidence is conflicting and clearly this can not be seen as an argument in favour of universal neonatal circumcision in countries with a low prevalence of HIV.
3. Reduction in incidence of cancer of the penis:
Penile cancers are rare with an incidence of around 1 per 100,000 in developed countries. It has been known for over 100 years that circumcised men almost never get invasive penile cancer, a devastating disease which is more deadly than breast cancers (with lower 5 year survival rate). About 1400 U.S. men get this disease per year and over 200 die annually, almost all of them uncircumcised.
4. Reduction in occurrence of cervical cancer/HPV:
In women with circumcised partners compared to uncircumcised partners. In recent years the role of human papilloma virus (HPV) in both penile and cervical cancer has been proven, and these cancers are now being thought of as sexually transmitted diseases. A recent study of over 1900 couples in 5 countries found that penile HPV infection is about 3 times more common in uncircumcised males as compared with circumcised males and there is about a 2.5 fold increased risk of cervical cancer in women whose sexual partner is uncircumcised and has had multiple partners.
Contraindications to routine neonatal circumcision include:
Hypospadias and other congenital anomalies of the penis. (Hypospadias is a birth defect of the urethral meatus (opening).
Family history of a bleeding disorder or an actual bleeding disorder.
Severely jaundiced (yellow) neonates.
Chordee (ventral angulation of the penis).
Sick and unwell neonates.
This procedure is performed on newborns within the first few days of life – Best performed in the FIRST 7 Days – though it can be done in the first few weeks of life
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